
May 01, 2024
The two leaders discussed a shared fast-track approach that allows the appraisal well to be drilled while evaluating multiple development scenarios.

February 15, 2024
Together with an extensive data acquisition, Cronos-2 underwent a full and prolonged production test that proved the excellent natural gas gas deliverability capacity of the discovery.

August 28, 2023
The involved parties can now “enter into discussions to reach an agreement within a period of 30 days,” Papanastasiou told Bloomberg News, without elaborating on why the plan was rejected. The period for a new round of negotiations started Friday.

December 21, 2022
The Zeus-1 well encountered 105 meters of net gas pay in carbonate reservoirs that re-enforces the area’s promising outlook and development.

April 15, 2022
Russian tanker operator Sovcomflot PJSC is set to close its Cyprus-based payment center as a result of sanctions imposed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, according to people familiar with the matter.
August 29, 2019
Cyprus’ national gas company DEFA has selected a multinational consortium to construct the country’s first LNG terminal.
February 21, 2018
Cyprus is nearing an agreement to sell natural gas to Egypt, marking the second potential supply deal in as many days with the North African country vying to position itself as a regional energy hub after the startup of the giant offshore Zohr field.
February 08, 2018
Eni has made a lean gas discovery in Block 6, offshore Cyprus with Calypso 1 NFW.
January 26, 2018
Connecting Europe announced on Jan. 25 that it will support the introduction of natural gas in Cyprus through the CyprusGas2EU project (EU support of €101 MM).
April 13, 2017
A Turkey-Israel gas pipeline deal could be built through Cyprus’ economic waters even without Cypriot consent, a Turkish official said, dismissing what some experts see as a key obstacle to an energy deal between the two Mediterranean countries.
April 05, 2017
DOHA -- Qatar Petroleum and Exxon Mobil signed an exploration and production sharing contract with the government of the Republic of Cyprus for offshore Block 10.
March 15, 2017
In the second session of the morning, George Pantelides, partner and head of Consulting Services at Deloitte, next offered strategies for operators and service companies to overcome the challenges of operating in Cyprus.
March 14, 2017
Stelios Nicolaides, Director of Hydrocarbons Service for the Republic of Cyprus' Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism delivered welcoming remarks on behalf of George Lakkotrypis, Minister of Cyprus' Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism.
March 07, 2017
Eni announces that has finalized a farm-in agreement with Total to acquire 50% participating interest of Block 11, offshore Cyprus.
February 06, 2017
Qatar Petroleum is exploring for oil and gas in Cyprus and Morocco as part of a strategy to expand the tiny Gulf emirate’s global energy investments.
January 12, 2017
Driven by the success of Eni’s major Zohr field gas discovery offshore Egypt in 2015, companies are rethinking the Eastern Mediterranean region’s gas potential, according to new analysis from IHS Markit.
March 18, 2015
Gulf Publishing Company opened its third annual Eastern Mediterranean Gas Conference (EMGC) with a welcome from John Royall, President of Gulf Publishing Company.